Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Catching up on the big one...

I've been in a flurry of productivity since finding out I'll be participating in the first Howard Street Handmade on March 21st. Great news, though it's adding a tinge of frantic to my daily activity...

Now that the fabric is dyed and pressed, I'm catching up with posting about the large project-- there will be more later, but for the moment, we'll backtrack to last week's frozen basement adventure. Sheets of newsprint were taped together to get full size sections-- 2 at 24x48, and one 48x48, which were then taped down to the floor.

Here they are in the basement, set in the positions they'll hang in eventually...

A lot of quality time spent with tremel points, tape measure, and colored pencils, marking out the circles that cover the background. Too bad I wasn't doing it *this* week, when the temperatures are lovely and warm. Once the circles were placed, I went over them in marker, and used vine charcoal to sketch out the images.

The templates will serve as a visual guide for scale and layout when I start cutting and placing the fabric to create the image itself. I've done a few small samples, and it helps me to have a reference that is "actual size" so I don't end up changing proportions halfway through by accident.

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